While You Wait: A Tale of Baked Alaska

Baked Alaska in Blue
Baked Alaska in Blue

This entry is a contribution from my sister (she has her own blog, co-run, called Chaos of LCD & Kenkaniff), who had to choose a natural disaster to write about for an assignment for class and she chose the one she knows best: me when experimenting in the kitchen. She wrote it around the time I was making baked Alaska. Hope you enjoy.

A natural disaster occurs whenever something goes wrong in the kitchen with some sort of food my sister is preparing. For the sake of that which is recent, let us choose the Baked Alaska weather. The ice cream melted slightly after it went into the oven and came out, the tidal wave of frustration arrived. Lightning made of wrath almost struck the poor citizens of “Baked” in Alaska. They quickly took refuge in the stomach caverns. It was quite terrifying; their relatives, the Sorbets and the Pastries felt extreme sympathy for their relatives, but could do nothing but observe in silent sympathy. It lasted for an hour, which seemed more like an age, and the meringue got struck down by lightning (poor meringue, it was even on his birthday! And he’d almost reached the stomach caves too….!) because it didn’t insulate the ice cream to protect it well enough (you see, there’s a dragon (not a live one) living in the oven (or rather, sitting) and the fire got to the ice cream and made it melt slightly. I feel sorry for the ice cream, there isn’t anything for the ice cream to eat to cool off!). Fortunately, almost every little Baked Alaska escaped unscathed; those that got hurt where rushed to the nearest hospital, which just happened to be called Z’s Kitchen – which is like the devil’s triangle – stay out of it while she’s trying a new recipe or experimenting, as, like Mother Nature, she may get angry!

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