Tomato Dill Sandwich Wraps (SCD & GFCF)

In this heat, one doesn’t feel like doing that much cooking or baking. Yesterday was sweltering – I was going to bake something, but I decided it was too hot. A couple days ago when I was preparing lunch, I used some almond flour crepes to make a wrap version of one of my favourite sandwiches, tomato dill: just some mayonnaise, fresh tomatoes, dill, and a bit of salt.

Generally speaking, I’m not so keen on using SCD, nut-based breads for sandwiches as often I find the nuttiness is too overpowering or distracting, plus texture isn’t the same, but everyone who has eaten these crepes know, they are really all-purpose, light, and flavour is not an issue. They’re neither nutty or eggy. Once I bit into one of these wraps, I seriously couldn’t tell the difference between this SCD one and the wheat version.

With these crepes, bread is pretty much solved. In fact, in regions of France, crepes are a staple and eaten like bread! Sometimes, in a way,  crepes are more than just pancakes.

What’s your favourite wrap or sandwich?

[January 22, 2013] This post is linked to 5-Ingredient Mondays.

Tomato Dill Sandwich Wraps

There could be some mess with eating these wraps, but it’s all good.

Ingredients per serving:

1 to 2 almond flour crepes
Fresh, sliced tomatoes
Dried dill


Spread mayonnaise on one crepe and layer tomato slices. Sprinkle with dill and salt. Roll up and enjoy!

Almond Flour Crepes
Adapted from Everyday Grain-Free Gourmet by Jenny Lass and Jodi Bager

It’s been a while since I first posted the recipe for these crepes – since then I’ve improved significantly in my crepe skills as far as swirling/spreading the batter around and flipping goes. (Have you noticed the crepes are a bit bigger and thinner compared to that first post’s photos?) I’ve also learned that olive oil can be used to fry them, without affecting the crepes’ flavour at all. If you’re not following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, you could also substitute the honey with the same amount of agave nectar.


5 eggs
1/2 cup finely ground almond flour
2 tbsp. water
1 or 2 tsp. honey
Pinch salt
Coconut oil or olive oil to cook crepes


Whisk the eggs and add the almond flour, water, honey, and salt. Mix well, making sure that there aren’t any lumps. If not using the batter right away, cover and refrigerate. Mix again to redistribute almond flour.

Heat a fry pan over medium heat with a little oil. Pour 1/4 cup of batter into the fry pan – it should sizzle immediately upon contact. To test if your fry pan is hot enough, flick some water into the pan: it should dance and sizzle. Immediately after pouring the batter into the pan, swirl or tilt the pan in a circular fashion to spread across evenly. When the top is set and not as shiny, but still wet, use a thin flipper or heat-proof spatula to flip to the other side, cooking for a few seconds. While it is unlikely that the crepe will stick, if it does, gently loosen the edges of the crepe and ease the flipper or spatula underneath until loosened and flip. Cook one crepe at a time, stirring batter between every addition to the pan. Stack crepes on a large plate and cool.

Freezing: separate each crepe between two pieces of parchment paper or foil. The crepes will stick to the paper or foil. In this manner, the crepes can be thawed as needed. Because they are very thin, they are quick to thaw.

14 thoughts on “Tomato Dill Sandwich Wraps (SCD & GFCF)

  1. Delicious! Dill, salt, and tomatoes is the prefect filling! Or with basil instead of dill…that would be great too! I used to make tortillas wraps like that, but since gluten-free tortillas don’t roll well. Looks like crepes are the answer to that problem.

    1. Oh, yes! I love tomato and basil. Before I used to have this really good sandwich with rye bread and it mozzarella cheese, tomato, and basil. I think, if I’m remembering correctly, sometimes it was just the basil and cheese? In regards to gluten-free tortillas – my family and I once tried these brown rice tortillas from the freezer section and they rolled pretty well. Very much like a gluten tortilla and they tasted good, too. I’ll have to remember the company’s name.

    1. Thanks, Shirley! In “Everyday Grain-Free Gourmet” the authors have a number of filling ideas. Regarding editing comments – I wish WordPress would install something for the comments like what you have on your site, so you can still edit your comment, if you choose, even after you’ve hit the submit button!

  2. Zoe, these look absolutely DIVINE! I love crepes more than anything. Sweet, savory, a mixture of both…it does not matter. I will have to try out that crepe recipe when I am at my mom’s soon. She has a crepe pan and is so good at making them!!! ;0)
    This post just totally inspired me to try my hand at them!

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